Metrology Cooperation:
Metrology is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology.
The intricate but invisible network of services, suppliers and communications upon which we are all dependent rely on metrology for their efficient and reliable operation. For example:
- The economic success of nations depends upon the ability to manufacture and trade precisely made and tested products and components;
- Satellite navigation systems and international time correlation make accurate location possible – allowing the networking of computer systems around the world, and permitting aircraft to land in poor visibility;
- Human health depends critically on the ability to make accurate diagnosis, and in which reliable measurement is increasingly important;
- Consumers have to trust the amount of petrol delivered by a pump.
Under the framework of SAARC-PTB project, the Regional Cooperation in Metrology in the SAARC Member States have been initiated and annual Meetings have been held under this cooperation. The purpose of Coordination Meeting is to provide a forum for a mutual update on developments in scientific metrology on national and regional level and to review, adapt and update the activities and coordination mechanisms in Metrology. The Secretariat of SARSO is given the responsibility of coordinating and facilitating the activities for this cooperation under the SAARC-PTB project.
The National Metrology Institutes (NMI) of the SAARC Member States:
Country | Acronym | National Metrology Institutes | Address |
Afghanistan | ANSA | Afghan National Standards Authority | |
Bangladesh | NML, BSTI | National Metrology Laboratory, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution | |
Bhutan | NML, BSB | National Metrology Laboratory, Bhutan Standards Bureau | |
India | NPL | National Physical Laboratory | |
Maldives | MoED | Ministry of Economic Development | |
Nepal | NBSM | National Bureau of Standards and Metrology | |
Pakistan | NPSL | National Physical & Standards Laboratories | |
Sri Lanka | MUSSD | Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department | |
The SAARC-PTB Coordination Meeting on Regional Cooperation in Metrology:
Meeting No. | Date | Venue |
First | 13-14 March 2012 | Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Second | 22-23 April 2013 | Islamabad, Pakistan |
Third | 25-26 June 2014 | New Delhi, India |
Fourth | 28-29 October 2015 | Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Fifth | 13-14 October 2016 | Thimphu, Bhutan |
Regional kick-off workshop of the project phase 3 (2018-2021) | 08-09 May 2018 | Kathmandu, Nepal |