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Standards Development

The standards work of SARSO are carried out through Sectoral Technical Committees (STCs), composed of representatives of the Member bodies, each dealing with a particular subject. The primary duty of a Sectoral Technical Committee is the development and systematic maintenance of the SAARC Standards. The STCs are established by the Governing Board on the recommendations of the Technical Management Board. The Chairperson of the STC is nominated by the National Member Body and takes the lead in the work of the STC and is appointed for a period of three years.

The following Six Sectoral Technical Committees (STCs) have been established to formulate SAARC Standards:

  1. STC 01: Food and Agricultural Products
  2. STC 02: Electrical, Electronics, Telecom & IT
  3. STC 03: Building Materials
  4. STC 04: Jute, Textile and Leather
  5. STC 05: Chemicals and Chemical Products
  6. STC 06: Conformity Assessment


The process of development of SAARC Standards starts with preparation of comparative chart of National Standards of Member States on approved item. This comparative chart then circulated by the SARSO Secretariat among the Member States for their comments. These comments are then discussed by the Member States in the concern STC meeting and agreed to prepare a draft SAARC Standards. The draft SAARC Standard (DSS) then circulated by the SARSO Secretariat among the Member States for submission of comments. Theses comments are then discussed by the Member States in the concern STC meeting and agreed to prepare a final draft SAARC Standard (FDSS). This FDSS then circulated by the SARSO Secretariat among the Member States for comments. The concern STC then discusses on comments if received from the Member States and finalize the FDSS. The concern STC then forwarded the FDSS to the Technical Management Board (TMB) of SARSO for consideration. The TMB after consideration on the FDSS recommend to the Governing Board (GB) of SARSO for approval. The SARSO Secretariat after approval of the GB publishes as SAARC Standard.

The following Directives that define the procedures for the development of SAARC Standards have been published:

  1. SARSO Directives, Part I — Procedure for the Technical Work
  2. SARSO Directives, Part II — Rules for the Structure and Drafting of SAARC Standards
